5 Tips to Maintaining Muscle Health

Most of us perform preventative daily rituals to maintain our health. We brush and floss to prevent cavities and gingivitis. We manage our diet to avoid diabetes and high cholesterol. We take vitamin D during the winter to prevent a deficiency. But what are we doing for our muscles? Taking care of our muscles is important to prevent degeneration of joints and pain. Ultimately we want to wake up in the morning without pain and do the things we enjoy pain in life for as long as possible. Here are 5 tips to help you toward that goal.


We commonly abuse our body to the point where we have to either stop doing the activity or take pain medicine to get through the day. Pain is our body’s defense mechanism and warning system that something is being damaged or is already damaged. Think of it as your check engine light. Reducing or removing the pain without fixing the problem, which pain medicine is designed to do, will only cause further damage and pain. It’s like turning off your check engine light without fixing the problem. Short-term relief results in long term chronic problems. It would be like your check engine light coming on because your car oil level is low. You can choose to have the problem diagnosed and fixed for a few hundred dollars or you can ignore it and wait until your engine blows up and you are paying thousands of dollars for a new engine. You only have one shot with your body and listening to it will go a long way.


Doing the same thing over and over again only results in overuse injuries. Vary your activities and exercises as much as possible to evenly distribute the load over multiple areas of your body. Repetitive activities results in overuse injuries because the same muscles are continuously working.


Exercise doesn’t mean going 100% all the time. It is important to have complete rest days and days where you only go 80, 50 or even 30 percent.


Foam rolling, gentle stretching, and general mobility are great for warming up and increasing blood flow to your muscles.


Massage is a great way to increase blood flow to muscles. It also helps with recovery and relaxation.

These 5 tips are like brushing your teeth for your muscles. However they are only useful if you don’t have pain. If you have pain in a tooth, brushing and flossing will not make it go away. Instead you visit your dentist so they can figure out why your tooth hurts. If you have muscle or joint pain, you shouldn’t foam roll and stretch. The first step is getting the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. If you are experiencing pain, call Phipps Soft Tissue and Spine. We will take the time to diagnosis your problem and provide you with the appropriate treatment. Time is not on your side when it comes to pain. Continuing to ignore/cover up the pain can result in permanent damage like tearing and degeneration.

*Please note that every patient is different. The content and tips displayed on this page are for educational purposes only, and do not substitute for medical advice. Please consult with a medical or healthcare provider, such as Dr. Phipps, for specific diagnosis and treatment advice. Williamsville, NY 14221 Chiropractor

Stretching: The Solution to Muscle Pain…or is it?

Do you have tight, stiff, or painful muscles? You obviously need to stretch more, right?

If something is tight, stiff or painful, we immediately assume it needs to be stretched. Stretching may provide temporary relief for some, but the majority of people do not get results. Unfortunately, stretching is not the answer to all of your problems. In this article, we will talk about two of the major contributors to your tight, stiff, and painful muscles.

The first contributor is protective tension. Protective tension is the spasm of a muscle to protect an irritated or damaged area. The easiest way to visualize this is to think about someone who has lower back pain. They try to touch their toes but immediately feel their back and hamstrings stretch, which prevents them from bending forward. This is your body’s way of preventing you from loading the irritated and damaged area. Your hamstrings aren’t “tight”; rather, they are contracting to prevent you from causing more damage. Stretching in this case would only make it worse.

The second contributor is adhesion. Adhesions form in muscles mainly from overuse and prolonged positions (sitting and standing). Adhesions are like glue in your muscles that don’t allow them to stretch properly. This leads to tight, stiff, and painful areas because the joint isn’t allowed to move properly. The great thing about adhesion is that it is reversible and, once removed, the muscles and joints can move properly, effectively reducing your symptoms. Adhesions are treated by specific soft tissue work by a certified provider.

The next time something is tight, stiff, or painful, don’t waste your time with stretching. Have it properly diagnosed and treated by a professional. This could save you many problems down the road.

If you have tight, stiff, or painful muscles, please click the button below. Dr. Phipps is a soft tissue specialist located in the Buffalo/Western NY area.

*Please note that every patient is different. The content and tips displayed on this page are for educational purposes only, and do not substitute for medical advice. Please consult with a medical or healthcare provider, such as Dr. Phipps, for specific diagnosis and treatment advice. Williamsville, NY 14221 Chiropractor